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Organization Hacks for Mighty Mamas

We asked our team to share the little things that make a big impact on their home and family organization. Read on to share their favorite tips, tricks and hacks! Do you have one to share? Email us at info@missionmightyme.com and we might feature across our social channels!

1. Snack Prepping

"Prep snack bags for the week so they are grab-and-go for both parents and kids. It helps our family to choose healthier options and is a quick and easy thing to prep at the start of the week."

Kaylie, Logan & Georgia's mom

2. Meal Planning

"My Sunday morning ritual is to write out our family dinners for the week, plus 2 breakfast options and a few snack options, and order everything to be delivered on Instacart."

Amanda, Margot's mom

3. Functional Sorting

"Sorting helps us keep things in order - a laundry basket per family member, drawer organizers, pretty bins in bookcases for kids' toys - it's a great way to 'hide away' things that create clutter."

Lauren, Cecil's mom

4. Time Blocking

"My husband and I follow the '20 minute timer rule' - set a time for 20 minutes when we get home for productive time to do a couple of chores. And we have chores each day of the week so it's simple to hop right into something and knock it out!"

Ashley, Mabry & Millie's mom

5. Subscribing & Saving

"Most brands offer a subscribe & save discount - opt into those and choose frequency so you can tick off 'snacks' from weekly grocery lists and always have kids' favorites on hand!"

Lauren, Caiden & Lily's mom

6. Calendaring

"Keep a physical family calendar taped to the fridge. Most people seem to be fully digital these days, but I love having doctor appointments, important reminders, date nights, and scheduled time with friends and family at-a-glance...where I know I'll see it every morning!"

-Jessica, Brax's mom

Ready for a restock?

Sign up today for a MightyMe subscription and save 10% on every order! Choose your flavor, case size and frequency. Use SNS25 at checkout for an additional 25% off your first subscription order. Pantry, meet stocked (without the stress) - check it off the to-do list!